1 września, 2023
Wspólnie działamy na rzecz zielonej Europy.
1 września, 2023
Remont w SP3 nie jest zwykłym wydarzeniem. Mamy do czynienia z ogromnym przedsięwzięciem oraz projektem Termomodernizacji.
Wspólnie działamy
na rzecz zielonej Europy.
Project Title:
Improving energy efficiency in the building of primary school no. Kornela Makuszyński with the branches of the Sports Championship in Stargard
Project description:
Why is the project needed? Which situation or problem does the project aim to address?
The implementation of the project will allow for improved energy efficiency parameters of the facility and will lead to a reduction in CO2 emissions. According to the energy audit, the final energy demand will also be reduced by 62%. This will translate directly into the improvement of the natural environment, improvement of the health of the inhabitants of the commune and students of the school, and will also generate savings for the Applicant due to heat energy consumption.
How will the project address these challenges?
Thanks to the implementation of the project, it is assumed: reduction of CO2, reduction of heat energy demand by 62%, reduction of electricity demand, increasing environmental awareness among school students. The project in question responds to all these goals. Deep thermal modernization of the building will achieve the above-mentioned effects. As part of soft measures, appropriate measures are planned to increase environmental awareness.
What does the project plan to achieve?
The main goal of the project is to improve energy efficiency in the building of Primary School No. 3 in Stargard through deep thermal modernization and obtaining a passive energy standard.
Who is expected to benefit from this project and how will they benefit?
The target group is members of the school community (current and future students and their parents, teachers, other school employees) and the local community (poviat residents using school rooms).